Speech Therapy

Speech therapy uses evidence-based methods to address communication
deficits and feeding/swallowing disorders.


Focuses on increasing overall language abilities, speech skills, and feeding/swallowing.

Our speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are trained and prepared to work with a variety of pediatric clients. We understand the importance of building foundational skills which will be vital for your child’s future growth. Our approach relies on evidence-based treatment which is based on clinical expertise, research, and client background.


What Speech Therapy Can Address

  • Social Skills
    and Play
  • Receptive
    Language Skills
  • Expressive
    Language Skills
  • Speech
  • Feeding or
    Swallowing Skills
  • Fluency
  • Voice

Social competence is a necessary component of a child's development and involves abilities like joint attention, eye contact, conversational reciprocity, and topic maintenance. Play is the groundwork that provides a basis for a child to build various skills. We address these domains to help your child adapt to his environment and interact with peers.

Receptive language can be defined as the ability to comprehend and process language. Some of the skills that we focus on include expanding receptive vocabulary, following directions, and understanding basic concepts.

Expressive communication is the ability to convey a message to a speaking partner(s). We work with your child and family to target goals like functional communication, expressive vocabulary, and answering questions.

Speech skills can be described as the ability to produce and combine sounds. Our program addresses speech sound disorders and delays related to factors such as perception, motor production, or phonological representations that impact a child's intelligibility.

Problems in the areas of feeding include weaknesses with chewing, cup drinking, straw drinking, and spoon-feeding. We collaborate with families and a team of professionals to improve your child's feeding skills.

Fluency issues are marked by difficulties with using words, phrases, and sentences without any disruptions during speech output. Our treatment approach can ameliorate these deficits through the implementation of fluency enhancing techniques and other environmental modifications.

A voice disorder may be present when a child uses an atypical voice quality, pitch, and loudness that affects daily functioning. Our SLPs can gradually help your child use his voice in appropriate ways.


Speech Therapy Treatment Process

Our approach to providing speech therapy is uniquely designed to fit the needs, proclivities, and disposition of each child based on a Plan of Care (POC). The POC delineates the goals and objectives according to the child’s needs.


Initial Intake

One of the members of our onboarding team will reach out to you to collect information and documentation required for speech intervention. Availability for speech therapy will also be requested.



The next step is scheduling the initial speech evaluation which will be performed by the Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). This will include parent interview, in-person observation, and any other assessment deemed necessary by the Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP).


Developing a Plan

Once the initial speech assessment is completed, the Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) will create a Plan of Care (POC) to address your child’s needs. Once completed, SLP will send the plan to you for review. Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) will also require you to have the plan signed by your child’s Primary Care Physician (PCP).


Authorization Process

Documents received during the initial intake along with the Plan of Care (POC) will be submitted to insurance to request for authorization. Once approved, speech services will commence.


Plan Implementation

Speech services will be delivered by the Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) based on the Plan of Care (POC). Schedule of services will be based on the availability provided during the intake process matched with the availability of Mindful Sprouts' speech therapists.



A re-evaluation will be conducted by the Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) every three (3) or six (6) months, whichever is applicable based on authorization provided by insurance, to determine whether or not the child needs to continue treatment.


Where We Provide Speech Therapy Services

Speech therapy is only provided at the center. We are dedicated to partnering with parents, caregivers, and other professionals to help each client generalize the acquired skills to other settings via carryover suggestions and a home exercise program.



“It takes someone exceptional to hear what a child cannot say.”
Center-based speech therapy is crafted to provide individualized treatment for each of our clients. A one-on-one approach provides the following benefits: 1) Reduced distractions and background noise, 2) Client receives full attention of the therapist, 3) Access to a wide range of toys and materials, and 4) More opportunities to build certain skills

It’s only been about a month since we started, and we are already seeing progress! My son is using more words, speaking clearer, and vocalizing better. It brings me comfort to know that all services Mindful Sprouts provides to my son are consistent and cohesive.

Mindful Sprout Parent

Coconut Creek, Florida

*Real images were not used to protect the identity of our clients.

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